As if Gale Norton, Rove, Cheney, and Scooter weren’t enough, we now hear from the Washington Post that a former Bush aide has been arrested for shoplifting:
Claude A. Allen, who resigned last month as President Bush’s top domestic policy adviser, was arrested this week in Montgomery County for allegedly swindling Target and Hecht’s stores out of more than $5,000 in a refund scheme, police said.
Not only was this man a high level aide, but, as my fellow Conservative Amnestigator Evil Bobby points out
Bush was gonna use him as one of his conservative judiciary packers. If this is the kind of guy Bush is nominating to the courts, we should all be afraid.
But why take the word of a mere progressive blogger, when you can have the word of the President himself?
In a statement that day, Bush said: “Claude is a good and compassionate man, and he has my deep respect and gratitude. I thank him for his many years of principled and dedicated service to our country.”
Again, Claude is charged with two counts, “felony theft scheme and felony theft over $500.” I guess it makes it even clearer the kind of worker Bush prefers to have in his White House.
A cake this good would require some decent icing, and look at this:
Before that, Allen worked for the Virginia state attorney general’s office and as state health and human resources secretary. In that job, he earned a reputation as a staunch conservative; once he kept Medicaid funds from an impoverished rape victim who wanted an abortion.
Great guy!
Doesn’t Bush pay this guy enough? How much is enough? What’s the standard pay for presidential advisors? Does Allen feel he’s above the law because of his association with Bush?